Meditation changed my life….

“Meditation changed my life”

I've seen people say this, and sure you have too. It's not really tangible though is it. I think sometimes that's what stops people from forging a daily practice of silence.

The intangibility of silence.

Our view of silence is one of nothingness, that vast empty space - silence = nothing therefore how can that change us so deeply.
We cultivate our practice in the silence yet the changes, evolution happens outside of that, outside of our practice.

In Buddhism meditation is used as a consolation and an integration of teachings. We take an object (could be our breath) and we witness every part of it, we allow it to be, we integrate the flow in to our being.

Again, you're probably thinking, I get it, but that ain't gonna change my life.

”It changed my life” is just four words to describe a whole depth of healing, contemplation and evolution. These four words just don't do it justice - and like I always say 'you are unique' so that journey is unique to you.

Let me tell you a little bit about how that silence changed my life.

Silence is uncomfortable, it's confronting, it brings up anxiety, and thoughts that runaway with themselves. All of a sudden you have things to do.
I realised, in fact I have nothing to do that is so pressing to pull me away from silence. Nothing .

The more I faced the silence, the more I sat in that energy of feeling confronted and like I want to escape, the more I healed.

Running away from the silence is become something so ingrained, yet I promise you it's in the silence, in that space on 'oh my god, I can't do this' is where we see truly what's going on.

We feeeeeel

When you don't spend time in the feel you miss out on the subtle messages that can help you heal, that can stop the spiral, that can heal.

We run away because we don't want to feel.

Who wants that discomfort.

Why would you torture yourself in that way - right?

You feel - you understand - you release - you grow

When you are willing to look, You are willing to evolve.

And that's how it worked for me - “meditation changed my life”

I faced it, over and over and over, to the point that silence is actually my safe space, it's my connection to myself.
Me and her in it together. And if she's got things to say, or feel, we face it together.




High Vibes only?