Welcome, beautiful human

It's time to let go of what isn't serving, release the version that you thought you had to be and truly step into your highest potential

Welcome! Over here, we do things a little differently.

Here you get to embrace and embody who you are, releasing and shifting away from who you thought you should be to fiercely step into a life and business that serves your truest & highest potential.

Hey hey,

I’m Charlotte, Human Design Consultant, Holistic Life Coach and portal to your true self!

I’m literally obsessed with giving you the tools and guiding you towards the FULL embodiment of who you always wanted to be - in the most truest and centered way possible.

For the past 4 years I’ve been leading and coaching ambitious business owners and entrepreneurs just like you, who no longer wanna settle for mediocre and playing small and are so ready to journey towards a life of true fulfillment

What People Are Saying

“I was feeling so much resistance in my life and my energy was absolute garbage.

Charlotte helped me learn how to better manage my energy as a Projector and provided so many little insights that were actually really big ah-ha moments for me that I know are going to continue to help me navigate the world better as a Projector.

Overall I feel like I have my energy and my flow back and I can't thank Charlotte enough for her guidance in this process!”

— Mallory Musante, Marketing Strategist

“I have invested so much money and time into other programs (run by coaches who didn’t understand my design), so thought it was time to try something different!!!

Before Your Business by Design, I felt like I knew there was something more inside me, but that I just couldn't access it and I also really wanted clarity that I was building a business that was working with my design, rather than against it.

I loved the whole process and I would highly recommend to anyone who is 'into' human design and want to apply it to their business to get started with this. I wish I had done it sooner!”

— Rachel Aiken, Business Strategist

“I went into this wanting to learn more about all the different elements of my design. Yet, whilst I did get that, what was most impactful was learning how to slow down, pay attention, and embody my strategy and authority.

Now, instead of constantly analysing everything, overthinking and trying to figure it all out in my head, I am dropping into my body and wow, what a game changer!

Thank you so much for your support and guidance during our time together, it's been so insightful and an integral part of my healing journey.

— Amy Metson, Life Coach



by Design

Your Business by Design
is a
9 week 1:1 program for business owners who want to fully embrace who they are and align their best energy to their business

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