What people are saying….

"Thank you SO much Charlotte :) I'm still buzzing from our session!" - Lauren, OBM & COO

"Thank you SO much Charlotte :) I'm still buzzing from our session!" - Lauren, OBM & COO

"Learning this has been an actual game changer for me and my team" - Jordan, COO

"Learning this has been an actual game changer for me and my team" - Jordan, COO

"Doing Your Business by Design was the BEST DECISION EVER" - Bree, OBM

"Doing Your Business by Design was the BEST DECISION EVER" - Bree, OBM

"Working with you has been the most powerful, transformative, memorable experience. And honestly, it's changed my life so so much " - Jenny, Business owner

"Working with you has been the most powerful, transformative, memorable experience. And honestly, it's changed my life so so much " - Jenny, Business owner

"Thank you, I honestly couldn’t have got to this point without all of your help, guidance and patience. You are amazing" - Racheal, Financial Consultant

"Thank you, I honestly couldn’t have got to this point without all of your help, guidance and patience. You are amazing" - Racheal, Financial Consultant

"The session was SO amazing!" - Rose, RTT & Hypnotist

"The session was SO amazing!" - Rose, RTT & Hypnotist

You were recommended by a trusted source, and because when you read my chart initially, it was like you were reading my life. Also knowing that you were very similar to me in my chart helped A LOT because I didn't have a lot of people around me that were projectors, let alone emotional 2/4 lines.

I'd tried all kinds of coaching/marketing help for my business and while I've learned from each experience, I was still left feeling like I have to continue to do, "be on" and produce or else I won't be able to continue my business, which led to burnout.

During our time together, I learned to trust in my process as a projector. I've really learned to trust in my own energy and authority knowing that when I show up aligned, I'll receive the invitation.

I learned to see the difference between me as a projector and how I was trying to operate ( as an MG). This was so helpful.

I learned (and still learning) how to ride my emotional wave - this is a big one. Before, I would get so down when I was down and felt like everything was falling apart. Now, I know I just need to ride the wave and it's getting less intense.

This was a bonus (but a huge one!) I now have received invitations from others for business contacts and referrals!!! and they keep coming :) the best feeling ever.

- Grace, Mind Body Therapist

I have invested so much money and time into other programs (run by coaches who didn’t understand my design), so thought it was time to try something different!!!

Before Your Business by Design, I felt like I knew there was something more inside me, but that I just couldn't access it and I also really wanted clarity that I was building a business that was working with my design, rather than against it.

The support in Your Business by Design was amazing! I loved our sessions because we would go deep in an area, and I loved the slack support- it was great when I had a random question and we could go back and forth on it, rather than waiting for my next session.

I felt like Charlotte really got to know my chart/me, so when I would say 'oh this has come up' you would respond with- 'of course it has because of this gate or you're a 2 line', so I really got to know myself better through what I was experiencing (if that makes sense!)

I loved the whole process and I would highly recommend to anyone who is 'into' human design and want to apply it to their business to get started with this. I wish I had done it sooner!

- Rachel, Online Business Strategist

I was feeling so much resistance in my life and my energy was absolute garbage.

Charlotte helped me learn how to better manage my energy as a Projector and provided so many little insights that were actually really big ah-ha moments for me that I know are going to continue to help me navigate the world better as a Projector.

Overall I feel like I have my energy and my flow back and I can't thank Charlotte enough for her guidance in this process!

- Mallory, Marketing Strategist

My clients wanted to explore Human Design and Business and I knew you Charlotte was the right person for that!

Charlotte was wonderful, she tailored the session to exactly what my group wanted and needed, and completely over delivered!

It was more than I expected and I love that Charlotte made it very personalised so the value was really tangible.

- Laura, CEO of Shoreway Business

Before our work together I felt completely fed up with the constant rollercoaster of enthusiasm and doubt for my business.
I felt lost in a sea of sameness knowing that the way I was going wasn't sustainable. I was driven by fear and outside influences.

During our work I realised this is the first time in a while I felt that things were moving towards somewhere I want to be, attracted to what feels right as opposed to to moving away from something out of fear, scarcity or lack.

I loved working on deepening into my design - working with strengths and learning how to navigate my fear better - as it was still strongly rooted in my daily life. Also working on creating consistency in my business and brand harnessing my design has been amazing.

Some wins from working together have been changing my limited company name in line with this new direction, registerig new domains, changing my IG and feeling trust and calmness towards this new way of doing business.

Every morning I just celebrating the opportunity to get to do it all again today!

- Avril, Business Growth Strategist

I attended a Guest Expert session where Charlotte was guiding us through our Human Design, she said things that I knew, but she couldn’t possibly have known! I knew I wanted to book a 1:1 session.

After the session I felt energised, enlightened, reassured and more confident in doing things my way in my business - it all showed up in my design!

Now I know I have all the wisdom and knowledge within me and can use things like my network better as this is my design.

I highly recommend booking a session with Charlotte! You’ll gain insights to help you confidently move your life and business forward.

Charlotte makes things easy to understand, and creates the space for you to explore a new way of understanding yourself.

- Michelle, Leadership Coach

I went into this wanting to learn more about all the different elements of my design. Yet, whilst I did get that, what was most impactful was learning how to slow down, pay attention, and embody my strategy and authority.

Now, instead of constantly analysing everything, overthinking and trying to figure it all out in my head, I am dropping into my body and wow, what a game changer!

Thank you so much for your support and guidance during our time together, it's been so insightful and an integral part of my healing journey.

Also since we finished I've made nearly 8k and I've still not done any marketing! 2 line magic!

— Amy, Life Coach

I’m so glad social media has brought us together.

All info was so very eye opening and really makes me want to keep deep diving! It’s funny because all our plans make so much sense and now I’m feeling the fear from my spleen ! But if you’re scared & excited about it, that must mean it’s the right direction! I’m learning to do everything even though I’m scared so this will be fun practice for me to push myself outside of my comfort zone.

Thank you so much for all of your knowledge & kindness!

— Kyla, Business owner

The HD session was awesome, it’s given me so many ideas of who I am and what I wanna do in my business going forward. The session was really illumenating and has really given me the impetuous to relax into being a Reflector and owning it.

— Gemma, Intuitive & Business owner

That was amazing, it was so bloody good, so powerful - thank you so so much, It’s been an absolute game changer!

— Pam, PR, Business owner

I've been endlessly searching for the answer to 'who am I? What's my purpose...' but you were able to help me to understand myself more.

This awareness has been an absolute blessing and has brought me acceptance and with that a certain sense of peace.

— Jo, Entrepreneur

Like before, I was just a little bit like, not bored of my business. But I didn't have any drive or want to plan new things. Now I just feel like, I don't know, everything's falling into place.

Doing Your Business by Design was the BEST DECISION ever, like I feel like it's like - life changing.

— Bree, Online Business Manager

Learning this has been an actual game changer for me and my team!.

— Jordan, COO & Agency Owner

Charlotte was such an integral part of my early business growth so I was really excited to dive in Human Design with her.
Charlotte is literally an oracle of knowledge when it comes to Human Design, she doesn't just take you through your chart and wave you off. It is a session that is truly unique, she highlights the most important parts of the chart that will enable you to create lasting change, alignment and joy in your business and self.
It was so enlightening and I felt like I had a massive permission slip to truly step into my power and own it. Which I did!! The results so far have been amazing!

— Aimee, Business Strategist

“If you're thinking about investing with Charlotte, do it!
She has a wealth of knowledge & experience, & mentors you in a safe, grounded way -
while still expanding your horizons to what's possible for you!”

— Emma-Louise, Strategist & Mindset Coach

Charlotte is a wonderful addition to your life and business! It's so important that we continue to nurture ourselves on a deep level as business owners, while taking care of everyone else.

— Helena, Money Mindset Coach

The support that Charlotte has given me has truly been out of this world, she guided me through what I can only describe as the biggest transformation in my life so far.

Charlotte helped me uncover parts of myself that felt so stuck before working together, we dived into things I truly have never looked into before, and made me feel held and safe when doing it.

— Rebecca, Mindest & Business Coach

Charlotte  is the best mentor I have ever worked with.

She is direct, honest, gentle and truly wants the best for you with absolutely no agenda. She is a very powerful intuitive and mentor - the definition of 'multifaceted' should have a picture of her next to it!

She guides you to really trust in yourself and always reminded me that I have all the answers inside of me. My confidence overall developed during my time with her and I am truly blessed to have her in my life now.

— Tara, Spirual Mindset Coach

As always Charlotte provided a safe space and intuitively knew how to support and guide me to release feelings I had been carrying around regarding situations that had happened in my past.
She created an extremely safe and non-judgemental space which enabled me to go into things I knew were there but I had not felt able to address myself.
Charlotte knows how to guide and support you to clear the energies within your body that are keeping you stuck and I feel so much lighter since our session.

— Samantha, Mindset Coach

“Charlotte is one of those mentors who descends from the heavens with her calm demeanor and powerful intuition. She had so much to offer me and now I feel like I'm in the driver seat of my life, thanks to Charlotte’s mentorship”

— Liz, Energy mentor

Charlotte is an amazing teacher with so much knowledge and experience and is always happy to help, answer questions and support.

I can 100% recommend working with Charlotte as your mentor.

— Lesley, Transformation Coach

Charlotte has such a magical way of guidance you through this process and building trust with yourself.

My energy always feels so open when I’m working with her and I now feel like I have an additional support and guidance when I’m sharing my message.

— Megan, Mindset & Energy Coach

Charlotte helped me step into my power in a way I never knew possible.

I now know myself on a deeper level than ever before and feel a sense of calm and acceptance for things that have happened in the past. I know who I am and why I am here more clearly than I did before, that's thanks to your guidance, support and wisdom. I am eternally grateful.

— Alex, Business Coach

Working with Charlotte was so awesome! She seemed to intuitively understand exactly where I needed encouragement in order to open up more fully.

Charlotte also creates a safe, grounded container, which is so important for this type of work.

I highly recommend working with Charlotte

— Brittany, Courage Coach

Charlotte is an amazing guide and mentor.

I've been blessed to work with her throughout the year and after each session I've always come away with a better understanding of myself and have received clear guidance which empowers me to move forward.
Throughout our time working together, Charlotte has always made me feel safe, seen and heard. Truly grateful for her gift and her light.

— Gina, Business Coach

Working with Charlotte brings you so much joy.
She’s like a best friend and mentor all rolled into one.
Her intuitive abilities (of which I’ve never experienced anything like before!) coupled with her supportive teaching style make her the ideal addition to your business and personal life if you’re ready to go deeper and take things to the next level.

While working with her, I was able to speak to her about absolutely anything, judgement-free and she always had so much wisdom to impart that enabled me to feel safe and supported by the universe at all times.

Thank you Charlotte for reminding me of who I really am, and empowering me to channel that in the direction of my growth, happiness and abundance.

— Polly, Mindset Coach

Working with Charlotte has been the most powerful, transformative, memorable experience, and honestly, it's changed my life so so much .

She guided me through so much deep, meaningful, inner work that I hadn't been doing, and that I needed to do in order to become the person and the version of me that I know I can be to really step into that and create this life that I really want for myself.

Throughout the eight weeks, we covered so much and I left the experience with feeling so empowered to really truly be myself, not just in business, but in all areas of my life.

— Jenny, Confidence Coach

Meet Bec, Mindset & Business Mentor

Meet Megan, Business Coach

Meet Jenny, Mentor & Speaker

Meet Tara, Spiritual Coach