Life, Death, Rebirth

Over the weekend I did a poll on my Instagram stories.

I'd been hearing and sensing that many people were struggling with confusion, sadness, feeling lost and not knowing their next steps - both in life and business.

So, I wanted to see what stage my audience felt like they were in

The options were;

A) In flow with life - moving along just fine
B) In the darkness - feeling lost and confused
C) Emerging from the cocoon - gaining clarity on their next steps

It turned out that many are in the 'darkness', whilst some felt like they emerging from the cocoon.

In buddhist philosophy there is a cycle of Life, Death and Rebirth, named Saṃsāra. It is believed that we are always in one part of this continuous cycle, and to be human is to be in a dance with each and every part of the cycle.

Easier said than done, huh? Especially when you feel you are 'trapped' in the darkness or the Death part of this cycle.

So what can you do if you are in 'Death' or darkness?

This part of the cycle is called Death as it is a shedding of old beliefs, and letting go a time to go inward, rest and to learn. You cannot force a the energy of death, just like a chrysalis in a cocoon, time is needed to prepare for the next part of the cycle - the Rebirth.

You may be wondering if that's it then, you just need to lay low until it's over? Well, no, there is some things you can be exploring whilst you are here.

When you are in the darkness you are shedding and recalibrating, so ask yourself these questions to move into your rebirth in full alignment.

Where is the light in the darkness?
What is this phase of the cycle here to teach you?
What do you need to let go of to move into your higher potential?
What actions do you need to take to make that possible in your rebirth?

Be sure to also engage in lots of self care and rest during this time too and give yourself grace and compassion whilst you move through this.

For more - check out this podcast episode


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